Field Trip Requests
Field Trip Request Form
Field/Activity Trip requests should be submitted and received for transportation at least four (4) weeks before the event. The four-week period allows time to determine if the date requested is available. If not, it provides transportation time to notify the requestor and provide them with enough time to schedule an alternate date possibly. The paperwork is necessary for notification for those responsible, and time, miles, and fuel for the trip with required signatures.
These requests need to be submitted on the four-page request form, not by email. We need the original with all four pages with the required signatures for the trip. Each page will be returned to the respective responsible person when/if the trip request is approved.
Please forward the original forms either by district mail or bring them to the Transportation office in person. When we have received the form, it will be processed.
We realize that, at times, there may be special needs and considerations. Please get in touch with Transportation at 435-645-5660. It is best to call before submitting the request to find out if the desired date and time are available. This will also depend on when/if the trip is approved.